The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a personality system that focuses on the internal motivations that drive our external behavior.
The nine types interconnect in complex ways, and you may see parts of yourself in more than one type.
In my workshops, we will delve deeper and explore how to unlock the unique gifts of your type and free yourself from its limitations.
The Feeling Center
Feeling types are concerned with self-image and how others perceive or validate them.
The Thinking Center
Thinking types are concerned with plans, ideas, contingencies, and strategies.
The Instinct Center
Instinct types are concerned with autonomy, control, and power dynamics.
The Helper
Twos are demonstrative, nurturing, and relationship-oriented; they can also be intrusive, possessive, and prideful.
Twos are empathetic, generous, and self-sacrificing. At times flattering and people-pleasing, they may do things for others in order to feel needed. Twos can be demanding and manipulative, and often struggle with boundaries and with acknowledging their own needs.
The Achiever
Threes are charming, dynamic, and results-oriented; they can also be impatient, image-focused, and prone to burnout.
Threes are ambitious, energetic, and efficient. Perpetually comparing themselves to others and highly concerned with status and appearances, they can be excessively competitive. Threes see a path to every goal, aiming to exceed expectations and earn affirmation and praise.
The Individualist
Fours are sensitive, authentic, self-aware, idealistic, emotionally honest, and deeply feeling; they can also be self-conscious, melancholy, and self-pitying.
Fours often feel that something is missing and experience longing. They can be inspired and highly creative, seeking intense experiences and emotional depth. They eschew monotony and ordinariness. Fours often envy others and see themselves as especially flawed.
The Observer
Fives are independent, autodidactic, analytical, non-demanding, and innovative; they can also be detached, private, and reclusive.
Fives are drawn to complex ideas and driven to master new skills. They can hoard their time and energy, perceiving it as scarce and fearing that it will be wasted. Fives often veer toward eccentricity and isolation.
The Loyal Skeptic
Sixes are reliable, realistic, inquisitive, and supportive; they can also be anxious, suspicious, defensive, and prone to self-doubt.
Sixes are adept at troubleshooting, dependable and trustworthy, though they often have difficulty trusting others, or even themselves. Seeking solid ground, they look externally for guidance while also questioning authority. Sixes are alternately indecisive and reactive.
The Enthusiast
Sevens are playful, animated, flexible, and outgoing; they can also be scattered, impatient, impulsive, and overextended.
Sevens seek fulfillment from external experiences. They chase stimulation and flee boredom, avoid pain and maximize pleasure. Sevens are accepting and non-judgmental, but can be self-serving and reluctant to commit.
The Protector
Eights are confident, direct, decisive, charismatic, and resourceful; they can also be domineering, confrontational, and excessive.
Eights see the world as a tough place and seek justice within it—for themselves and others. Often champions of the weak, they can easily become the aggressor. Eights are quick to anger and reluctant to show vulnerability, frequently engaging in battles of will.
The Peacemaker
Nines are amiable, easygoing, inclusive, caring and receptive; they can also be indecisive, conflict-avoidant, complacent, and stubborn.
Nines are inclined to procrastinate, ignore friction, and avoid facing problems. Able to appreciate and empathize with competing perspectives, they can be excellent mediators. Nines suppress their own anger in order to maintain peace.
The Perfectionist
Ones are responsible, conscientious, and oriented toward self-control and self-improvement; they can also be rigid, moralizing, and self-critical.
Ones are orderly, fastidious, and highly concerned with ethics. They strive to avoid error, reform what is unjust, and maintain high standards for themselves and others. Ones struggle to value the gray areas in life.